
Learn more about our locations, hubs and countries in which we operate.

Our vision is to support unreached ethnic groups. We are focussing on the so-called Turkic peoples, who all speak Turkish or a language related to Turkish. They live mainly in Central and Western Asia as well as in Siberia and Eastern Europe.

In the USA and Europe, we work among Turkish-speaking people who live here. On the other hand, we want to sensitise people to the idea of mission, recruit, train and send out employees and release resources.

Global Nomads Germany 

Global Nomads Germany maintains various houses in Taunusstein and the surrounding area as well as a mision centre in Wiesbaden. Global Nomads Germany about itself: "We are on a local journey with friends to build and develop a holistic community as followers of Jesus. Together we want to follow Jesus and invite others to come with us. Here we share our lives, our time, our money and our resources."

Global Nomads USA 

Global Nomads USA is strongly committed to coaching and mentoring local leaders in the Balkans and throughout Central Asia. Global Nomads USA about itself: "We want to Identify, Equip, and Empower indigenous servant leaders to catalyze Christ-centred, Spirit-filled movements."

Global Nomads Bulgaria 

In Bulgaria, we maintain the first of a whole series of hubs along the old Silk Road from Eastern Europe via the Balkans, Turkey and Central Asia to China. Our location in Bulgaria is ideal for a short assignment or a taster week.

Other locations 

We do not publicise our other locations and countries of operation for security and privacy reasons. We are active in a number of countries along the ancient Silk Road and in the area where the so-called Turkic peoples live.

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Take your first step onto the mission field. There are many options, from a taster week to a long-term assignment.

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