Join in!

Help us to bring the gospel to places where it is still unknown.

We need you! Help us to bring God's love to people who have never heard of him.



Thank you for your support in prayer! We depend on you to stand with us.

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Learn more about Global Nomads and attend our presentations, seminars and training sessions.

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Take your first step onto the mission field. There are many options, from a taster week to a long-term assignment.

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Thank you very much for your donation and for supporting our work!

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Pray with and for us

Everything begins with prayer. We are convinced that collective and personal prayer aligns us with God's goals, changes us and transforms the world. Jesus says: "Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be given to you!"

Do you want to pray with us and for us? Sign up now for the regular prayer letter and change the world through your prayer.
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Find out more about our events and get to know us at an event in your region. We would also be happy to come to your church, youth group or small group and share what God is doing in our part of the world.

If you have a desire to be equipped for the kingdom of God, we are also available for training in your region.
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Take a step onto the mission field

God wants you! Jesus says: "The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. Therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest!"

Take your first step onto the mission field. There are various options: from the "Come & See" taster week to a long-term assignment.
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Thank you very much for your financial support. It makes a big difference to us. Thank you for travelling with us!

It is only thanks to your support that we can bring God's love closer to people.
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Donate now

We are very grateful for any kind of support.


We'll be happy to keep you up to date. Contact us for our mailing list.


Thank you for your support in prayer! We depend on you to stand with us.

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Learn more about Global Nomads and attend our presentations, seminars and training sessions.

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Take your first step onto the mission field. There are many options, from a taster week to a long-term assignment.

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